A few weeks ago when Norman and I were in PC World getting Norman's new MAC laptop I had a look at the latest version of Paint Shop Pro and thought it was a little expensive since I had only just bought Version X. However when Norman was out the other day he brought me back the latest version, he got it at an excellent price from Costco, Paint Shop Pro Photo XI. It has the same wonderful features it had before plus some really wonderful photo features. I installed it earlier this week and have been using it for Module 7 Activity 3 - using text. I don't think I will nead to use Photoshop anymore since PSP has everything in it now. I love the fact it has raster and vector drawing capabilities.
I used the photograph of my latest piece of work as a background and since I am going to use it for the cover of a sketchbook I added appropriate text to the image. I have used the text feature before so I thought I would take it a bit further. My tutor, who is wondeful by the way, suggested we make some stationery.

Well here is my stationery! I have removed my address and telephone number for the blog version but the real business card has them added. This was one tremendous learning curve I can tell you. I found some new plugins on the internet, 4 wave is the one I used for the design on the right of the business card. You wouldn't believe the original source was the turquoise painted swirls I did for a previous exercise in the course - it was very textural as I used Golden gel mediums. I used the same background source for the left hand side of the business card only I did some different tweaking to it! I may make another using a different source just to reinforce the techniques which were pretty complicated. Once Christmas and New Year is over I will play some more as I would like to have my website and business cards co-ordinated. It's so nice to have original designs.
Norman also added 1 GB of additional memory to my laptop which means PSP is working much faster since I am using the laptop more and more - I was happily working away with what it had originally but since it had an extra slot he wanted to add more for me. I can't remember the last time I powered up my PC!
Carol. I have just been wowwed by your She made her mark entry and now am sipping my morning coffee here in the USA, Westchester NY. You blog is just beautiful and I am amazed at your artwork AND computer skills. May I ask you this...did you teach yourself all the things you know about using the different computer programs for your artwork our did you have someone help you learn the programs. I think what you have done with your business card, stationary etc. is fabulous. Great job. You inspire us all..Happy Holidays..Susan Schrott
Hi Susan,
Thanks for dropping by and for your kind words. As far as my quilting is concerned I completed 4 years City & Guilds in Patchwork & Quilting 5 years ago. My machine embroidery and mixed media skills are self taught, I read as many books as I can and am inspired by people like Val Campbell Harding and Maggie Grey.
I have a great interest in computers and different programs and try to use them in my work when I can, just as I used to with my knitwear by using Designaknit which I taught myself to use.
I use Electric Quilt for my traditional quilts and I have been playing around with Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro for a little while but not seriously just playing.
I started a City & Guilds course earlier this year called Creative Computing in Stitched textiles Level 2 through Design Matters. I knew some of what was being taught already and have learned new things as well. If there is something in the course I am familiar with I take it a step or two further. Taking the course has really helped me find my niche.
You can find details of the course Marie Roper teaches here:
Have a wonderful Christmas
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