Monday, 7 May 2007

Sashiko Napkin

Sashiko Napkin from Japan

I thought I would do a little bit of hand sewing. Tomoko sent me a large selection of napkins and threads from Japan and so I thought I would stitch one of them. I wanted to try the two different threads she sent to compare them. I used the thicker of the two threads for this one. I will try the other thread on another napkin. This thread was stranded. I just have the bottom left hand corner to slip stitch and it's finished.

The weather has changed dramatically here from gorgeous sunshine and lunch outside on Friday to gale force winds yesterday and torrential rain today! It's a good day for hand sewing and the light in the conservatory is so good. I am not sure I want to make the short journey to the studio to paint! (It's only a few steps but I'll get drenched).


  1. Nice hand stitching my dear it look good. Now, good Scottish weather were the rrain falls strraight duon... It getting rather warm here mid 20C all week...

  2. I agree, lovely stitching Carol. we have that weather too, it's cold and there was even some sleet this morning.
    I love your new look blog, the colours are lovely and your photo looks particularly good against these colours. I'm off to create a new header.

  3. LOVE, LOVE the new look of your blog Carol, and the header in all those glorious blues, is beautiful just like your stitching.
