Sunday, 8 February 2009

Progress and a new design

It was icy here again this morning and the snow hasn't gone although the roads have been gritted thank goodness.

The windows in the conservatory had fascinating icy designs on them before the heating came on and they were soon gone.

I have pieced together two quarters of the quilt on my design wall. It is going together relatively easily I have to say.

I completed Lesson 4 from Andrea on the Electric Quilt website. It was creating a foundation pieced block which I did from scratch. Here is the final quilt design. You can download the Electric Quilt Project file here.

I am off to pack my car for class tomorrow and then I am going to play with EQ6 again as I am trying to design a quilt using hexagons - not the easiest thing to do in EQ but I am getting there - slowly but surely.


Sandy said...

Wonderful design. It's hard to believe that the quilt went together easily. It's so complex.


Lovely designs!