Saturday, 31 July 2010

Playing with EQ7 Kaleidoscope

I have been playing some more with EQ7.   The kaleidoscope option is brilliant.  You can make any block you like into a kaleidoscope with the touch of a button.    It's so simple you just get carried away - here are a few I did:

I have alternated the block I used to create the kaleidoscope block with the kaleidoscope block itself to let you see the difference.


Mama Pea said...

That's neat. I would love to have this software. I really like the purple spiral one and how that worked in kaleidoscope!

Vicki W said...

Oh those are fun!

Annabelle said...

The Kaleidoscope quilt in purple and black and grey is just stunning. Never seen such a beauty. Wish I was in Scotland and could come to your classes. I am a new crafter and blogger and looking for inspiration for my new blog and sure have found some!