Well two new books. The first is the last in the Harry Potter series. I am a fan of these books having read them from the beginning - I didn't stay up until midnight last night this time. Norman, who normally rises much later than me in the mornings, was up very early and was back with the book before I even rose, what a star he is. I have the DVDs as well but much prefer the books I prefer reading to watching movies. There was a guy being interviewed on Jeremy Kyle saying if anyone over a certain age (I think it was 20) read Harry Potter books then they didn't have a life, were uneducated and so he went on. I wonder what he would say if he saw these:

I bought this panel after seeing it at
eQuilter a few years ago. It is heavily machine quilted as I used the panel as a way of practicing my machine quilting using a variety of different threads including metallics. It was hung in the local quilt shop where I used to teach when the next HP book was issued. I could have sold it a hundred times over - but as you can see I didn't.

I also found some more wonderful Harry Potter fabric at eQuilter and made this Lone Star quilt as a sample for my Lone Star class. It's free machine quilted using a variegated thread which makes the back look like a whole cloth quilt. Although I have made many lone star quilts since, this is still my favourite.
And the other book I mentioned:

I made the covers for this book from punchinella and dyed/painted fabric the other day and was wondering how I could make the pages. I wanted something a little different from what I have been doing this past little while. I wanted something to store samples of the hand embroidery stitches I will be practicing for my online Sumptuous Surfaces class at
Joggles with
Sharon Boggon (she's the lady who does Take a Stitch Tuesday TAST). I have admired Sharon's work for many years and often refer to her stitch dictionary. I couldn't resist signing up for her new class.
I have used cardstock for this - from the lovely collection I bought at the card mill shop - as I think it will hold the hand embroidery. It has a lovely subtle texture. I left it blank as it's just an experiment at the moment. If it works out I may paint each page before I add the stitch samples so the colours match.

This morning I took each pair and joined them together in the same way as before. I am leaving them to dry and will join the two sets of four when the glue has dried.

In the meantime I have satin stitched around the outside cover of the book.

Sorry about the quality of this picture. This is the cover almost complete. I have some embellishment to do yet. I am not quite sure what to add but I am sure it will speak to me in the next little while. I will post a picture of the finished book.
I hope you have enjoyed seeing this book progressing. I have thoroughly enjoyed researching book making and the various ways they can be made and incorporating them into my own art and designing this little book.
If the book turns out OK , and it looks as though it might, I will write a tutorial on how to make it if anyone is interested. Let me know.
I am itching to get started another "book" idea. Norman brought me in some dowelling for it this afternoon so I have everything to hand. Watch this space. In the meantime The Deathly Hallows is waiting - I am 4 chapters in already! I think Norman will be making dinner tonight.
Oh, Oh, oh I'm so excited.... I too went out this am and got the last Harry Potter -- no midnight line for me! There was nobody at the store at 7am when they opened, so was in and out in no time :-)
What I'm really excited about though is the thought you'd write a tutorial re book making... I've been exploring lots of blogs but many many are altered books -- and while I like them artistically I think I'd like to explore making a book from scratch... Never having done that I know there's lots to learn and a tutorial would be a great spot to start!
Me too, me too! I'm another over 20 loser with no life who is a couple of hundred pages in already!
I must confess that although we got the book this morning, I haven't read a single word of it yet! Love the HP quilt!!
Kyle has no imagination, if he thinks we have no life when we like Harry Potter. A tutorial sounds great. Sandy
HP is one of my faves too. I am currently reading the last volume to get caught up for this new one. LOVE the HP quilt.
Always look forward to your tutorials Carol.
A tutorial on book-making would be great, Carol. Thank you for offering.
We are HP nuts in this house too but we haven't bought the book yet. No doubt we will have heard what the ending is before I manage to read it. It is so long since I read the last one I think I should re-read it to remind myself. :))
I'm a HP fan as well, still half way through Order of the Phoenix and still need to buy the Half Blood Prince so I can catch up before the last one. I would love a tutorial on book-making would be very useful for my C & G.
I would love to see your tutorial carol, I love the HP quilt too, love those diamonds!Love the sequin waste cover too, will you use the sequin waste to latch hook into, it has just occured to me this is just another form of grid?
Love the HP quilt Carol and a Tutorial would be great.
book making tutorial sounds just up my street - mind you you always make everything sound easy! - have you finished HP yet? - I need to know the ending - I always read the end half way through!!
I must really not have a life I have read the books three times and will be going to get mine tomorrow I hate that it will be finished whaaa. I have all the movies too..
Fri, went to see the new movie, loved it and was crying, trying not to be seen doing it by the other show goers...
Really cool quilt of Harry, I'd never sell it either..
Wohoo love the lonestar qilt from the material..
Another tutorial, you the best teach:):)
I'll have to join the loser club too - as I LOVE the Harry Potter books. My 13 y/o has finished already, but I have to finish the book I'm reading first - then it's my turn..... How many books are enjoyed by both adult and children alike - what a great way to close the age gap!
Gee there are a lot of us saddos, aren't there? And strangely we all seem to be quite creative people, who make things from scratch. I wonder if Jeremy Kyle ever makes something from nothing by the work of his own hands? He seems to specialise in making provocative remarks...
Love to see the tutorial if it happens/happened, Carol. I'm way behind on blog reading lately - I think this cold weather has made my brain seize up!
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