Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Markal (Shiva) Paintsticks and Foil

Foiling with a Markal Paint Stick background

When I was working with the iridescent paint sticks I wondered what they would look like with foil. I stamped some PVA glue on a black cotton using a commercial foam stamp. You have to leave the glue to dry, I usually leave it overnight, and then foiled it. I filled in the background using rubbing plates and three different iridescent colours to match the foils I used. I used a multicoloured foil as well as two other plain colours. The colours haven't photographed well but I think you will get some idea of how it looks.

I went to the hobby craft shop at The Fort, Glasgow. I came home with lots of things from the children's section. The rubbing plates were good and I managed to get a nice supply of stencil brushes. A pack of 25 different sponge brushes were only £3.99.

A visit to Borders books was also essential (well maybe not essential) but we stocked up on a nice selection of DVDs. There wasn't much time left for the studio but we had a lovely day. It's raining today so it's a day for the studio once I get me herbs planted. I have planted some potatoes, strawberries, peas, beans and carrots this year around the garden. I don't expect I will have much success with them but it's fun watching them grow. I love having home grown herbs and they are always nice. I planted some rocket as well and that has been marvellous. It has quite a different taste from shop bought - you won't be surprised to read that.

I decided to mail my Module 5 work to my tutor a little late - we had the choice of early or late - and I thought I would hang on to it and spend a little more time on it as I didn't think it was quite finished. I thought I would have a little fun with our chosen "exhibition" so I am busy with that as well.

Off to make some lunch and then back to the studio.


  1. I've had the plan to experiment with foiling, just never gotten to it... You actually let the glue dry first though?!?

  2. The foiling certainly worked well with it. It sounds like you had a pleasant day.

  3. Yes Quiltpixie you have to let the glue dry first.

    Thanks Sandy, it was a good day.

  4. That looks fabulous! I'm inspired and rushing off to stamp with pva glue -- and to find those sheets of foil that are "somewhere". But don't those paintsticks get everywhere when you use them? I always need to wear an overall and have a bath afterwards....

  5. Hi Carol

    These are so pretty, they turned out great

  6. Thank you ladies.

    Yes Quiltpixie you wait until the glue has dried.

    Mags, I don't find the paint sticks too messy. No matter what I am working with I keep baby wipes close by maybe that helps.
