Sunday, 26 July 2009

Photography Today

I have just spent a little while in the garden with my camera. It's nice just to snap away in the hope of getting at least one good image. The squirrel visits every day and I managed to get a couple of pictures before it disappeared.

The dove potters about the garden most days as well.

Ism't this little bird just cute? I took these with a long lens. I have fed the birds throughout the year, I normally stop in the Spring but we were asked to continue feeding them and so I have.

I spent a while laying some hexagonal paving slabs under the bench as the dampness from the grass would, I think, have reduced the life of the bench over time. Norman gave it three coats of a wax like paint to preserve it but I thought it best to give it a better base - I just knew I would do this - laying the grass was a bad idea I just thought it would look better but this is OK I think.

I ordered 15 strawberry plants for Norman which arrived on Thursday so we went and bought a nice pot for them. I suspect it's too late for strawbs this year but they last about 4 or 5 years so we can expect some nice strawbs next year. I did order them about a month ago but had to chase them up as they hadn't arrived.

My potatoes arrived this week as well. I am hoping to have some new potatoes at Christmas - that's the plan! Just this morning I received a lovely email from the potato merchant telling me how I should plant them. It was just as well as I had planned on leaving them aside to chit - apparently they don't need it and I can plant them now.
We have had some lovely courgettes this year, my first attempt at growing them but they seem to be easy to grow. As you can see we have plenty more to come.

I spent a lovely afternoon in the studio yesterday. I managed to get some backgrounds done using Markal paintsticks. I will poist some piccies later as I hope to get some more work done on them today.

The weather was lovely and we had a BBQ in the early evening. I tried some new to me sauce on the pork chops Reggae sauce, it was gorgeous. You can read about it HERE.

It's raining here so I might just play in the studio. Thanks for dropping by.


smarcoux said...

Hi Carol
I saw that sauce at Aldis and though umm yummy I should try it but I didnt buy it .. must have to go back and see what its like.

you must show us whats on your studio wall.

Maggi said...

Lovely pictures. Glad to hear that you don't mind the squirrel visiting. Mine are quite welcome to share what I put out for the birds.

Sandy said...

The squirrel is adorable. The photos look nice.