Thursday, 20 May 2010

Digital Photography - Lesson 8

Lesson 8 was focal length.  I wasn't sure if I could fulfill this lesson as I was poorly earlier that week.    I think it's a middle ear infection as I was a little disorientated and sick on the Tuesday.   I felt better as the week went on and managed to get to my hairdressing appointment on the Thursday.

When I was chatting with my hairdresser she mentioned a place I had visited before but hadn't been for a while - Beecraigs Park.   It was a lovely day and I got some good photographs.

It was a nice walk and we plan visiting again. 

Week 9 lesson is all about macro.  Long time visitors of my blog will have seen my many macro shots.  Unfortunately my SLR (like most without a macro lense) doesn't take good macro shots.   I use my old Nikon Cookpix for macrop shots but I wasn't sure whether I could change camera for the class so I didn't participate this week.  I say I didn't participate which isn't strictly true.   I took some shots in the garden but didn't upload them for critique.   Lesson 10 is all about file types and organising files but no photographs.    
I bought a lot of tulips this year and they are all looking gorgeous.,  The colours are beautiful.  This is the inside of one of them.

I have posted pictures of my lillies on the blog over the years this is them in their early stages - I love the water droplets.

I love these glass sweets - non fattening.    Well that's it for this Digital Photography class.    I am looking forward to building on what I have learned in the class, it was fun.

So what's next.   I still haven't managed to get back into the studio.   I have been out and bought some new fabric for a curtain for the front door (decorating is complete).  It should arrive in about 3 weeks so I will have them to make.   I am still feeling a little dizzy so will wait until that passes before I start sewing.

I have signed up for another of Jessica's classes which starts in early June - it's all about composition.   I am looking forward to that.

We visited the Clyde Valley and bought lots of plants for the garden.  I spent a good part of yesterday planting them out and still have more to plant out.

Thank you for dropping by.


Maggi said...

Love the ducks and the macro photos. I do hope the ear infection is getting better. Feeling dizzy can be so debilitating.

Uniquely Yours Creations said...

I think your Macro shots came out very good! I'm just learning to experiment with my camera - it doesn't take very good Macros.
Hope you feel 100% better!
I'm enjoying looking at your photos!

Pat said...

Carol, I just really love your blog. Your work and your photos are most beautiful, my dear friend.
Happy Quilting!