Tuesday, 12 July 2011

 Still trying to work and type with this dreadful bandage.  Still the pain has gone just waiting for it to heal.
 This is the best picture I could get of the quilt top I finished a week or two ago.   This will be a lovely technique to teach in September.

I decided on a dark background for the strip pieced tumbling blocks.  The light was OK but I preferred the dark background.  One strip has been stitched the rest are waiting to be stitched.

I was working on a 20th Anniversary quilt idea for thr Electric Quilt challenge but I am afraid I missed the deadline so I will post the project file in a day or two for anyone to download.  It is a pieced quilt .... more later.   

I also took part in the EQ red and white challenge and will upload that project file as well.


Sandy said...

I like the dark background. It makes the colors pop. I also hope your finger heals quickly. Things like that always get in the way.

ju-north said...

Ooh, your finger looks as if it might be sore! Great quilts!