Sunday, 22 October 2006

My first attempts at Monoprints

We were to do subtractive and additive monoprints. This is a subtractive. I did this one fairly quickly and the acrylic paint didn't have a chance to dry before it transferred to paper.

This is an additive. I used acrylic paint on a plexiglass for this one. I also used a retarder as I was finding the paints were drying too quickly. So I did learn something!
I like this one. I put the retarder on the plexiglass first which keeps the paint wet for longer. I tried using Gouache this time. I painted the background first, since there was more of the blue to paint and I didn't want the bird to dry whilst I was painting the sky. I then painted the bird mixing my colours as I went. It was beginning to dry out and the first print wasn't too clear. I wet a second sheet, very lightly, and tried another transfer. Normally the second transfer is lighter - not with this one! Time to move on to something else now I think.


Tonniece said...

It sounds as though you did a lot more to the bird transfer, but my personal fave is the second one.


His Office, My Studio said...

I really like the first photo. It reminds me of a boat ride my brother took me on in the bayou in Louisiana. I have not tried monoprints but I hope to next summer.