My 2005 Journal Quilts arrived home safely from Houston, Texas. They were beautifully packaged and handled with love and care. I sent them off in September last year. It was exciting opening the package and seeing them again. They are widely travelled. They have been to Quilt Festival Houston, Spring Quilt Festival in Chicago, International Quilt Market in Mineapolis and Patchwork & Quilt Expo X in Lyon, France. What a journey, both for those little quilts and also for myself as a fibre artist, although I haven't been to all the shows the quilts have - just Houston! You can see more of my 2005 JQs on my website:
I recently sent off my five 2006 Journal Quilts but can't show pictures of these yet since they are currently in Houston. Speaking of Houston I believe the new Journal Quilt book is beautiful and I can't wait to see my copy when it arrives with my little quilt in there - one of my 2004 Journal Quilts.
I bought some more lino yesterday at the art shop, I just couldn't resist it. Just when I say "never again" there I go planning on making more. Now that I know a little more about the process I was able to buy different cutting tools, different shapes that may help me. DH is going to make me a board to help hold the lino, thanks Terry, I am sure it will make all the difference.
I did some more printing yesterday with the lino block for my C&G course. I will post pictures once my tutor has seen them. They will be a little different from those I have already made. I added some colour to the ones I did yesterday. I think the more I worked with the block the more I liked it and wanted to make more. I guess that's what happens.
DH has decided to start a blog showing the process of the new train he is building. I think we came up with a good title so now he can get it started.
I'm teaching class this afternoon so better go and pack the car.
Thanks for dropping by.
MAybe you've already described it before - but how have you made that journal quilt Carol? Looks very interesting. Have you tried making print blocks out of PZ Cut? It is bright orange and apparently is miles easier to cut than lino - Ruth Issett uses it a lot. I know that Art Van Go sell it.
Hi Carol,
I'm glad you are going to give the lino cuts another go. One more thought that I forgot yesterday--the lino cuts much more easily if you warm it up. You can use a hair dryer to warm it, or set it in front of a heat vent for a few minutes. Doesn't take much, but it does soften it just enough to make cutting easier.
Hi Terry,
I did try heating the lino before I cut it. I read about that somewhere. I bought some grey lino instead of the brown, does it make a difference. The grey feels softer to me.
I will let you know how it goes.
BTW I loved your ear warmers you mentioned on your blog. I doubt we have them here. I too walk every day - just my ipod and me though.
Thanks again,
Hi Leanne,
The JQ was layers of painted fusible web, chiffon and little shapes of brass wire zig zagged with metallic thread and heated with a heat gun.
I haven't tried PZ cut but it sounds interesting. I will look out for it.
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