Friday, 1 December 2006

FFFC Challenge progress and Lutrador Samples

This isn't a very good picture but I took three sections of my little "quilt" and first of all I covered it with irridescent tissue paper, stitched it down using free motion stitching. I stitched some ribbon on and then couched thicker threads between the ribbon. The edges were couched with some silk "threads" a friend gave me. They are the waste product from the making of silk.
Another three sections I covered with painted Lutrador and free motion stitched all over it. I then applied some aluminium shim which I had painted and embossed with Heat it up! embossing powder. I couched the outer edge with copper wire using a satin stitch and variegated rayon thread. Sorry the picture isn't too great. I am not sure what I am doing wrong with the camera it's not like me at all. Oh! well.

To date I have 12 different samples in my sketchbook pf the painted Lutrador here are just a selection. The first one above is lutrador painted with Stewart Gill Alchemy - Genesis.

This one was first painted with Stewart Gill Alchemy - Fusion and then I applied Heat it up! embossing powder - colour verdegris. I then heated it with the heat tool and it has a lovely bubbly texture and just a few holes. I think the paint/embossing powder acted as a resist to the heat tool. This piece was painted with System 3 acrylic paint in Burnt Umber and then randomly with WH Smith Acrylic in Gold. I haven't heated this one as yet and may not since I love the colour.
I painted this piece with Dylon Colorfun in Deep Pink mixed with Pearl-ex pigment powder in due red/blue. One one half I applied Stewart Gill embossing powder in Patina Bronze. I haven't heated this one yet but will.
This piece was first painted with Liquitex gel medium - Black Lava and then overpainted with Stewart Gill Byzantia.


Pam Annesley said...

Hi Carol
I'm following your pics with interest using the lutradur and Stewart Gill paints. I was disappointed with my S.Gill paints, they all went gloopy except the 'Byzantine" one.

Carol said...

Hi Pam,

I am sorry you had problems with the paints. Have you written to Stewart Gill? They have a website. Perhaps you had a bad batch or something.

Blogger won't let me post pictures this afternoon but I will post the completed piece as and when I can.


Tonniece said...

Hi Carol

I too have been watching your you pics, but Blogger has not allowed me to comment till now. GRRRRRRR

love these colors in your samples, all so soft. Can't wait to see more


Dianne said...

Wow I love all the samples its iteresting to see how different they all turn out..