Saturday, 16 December 2006

Vector Drawing this time

I have been playing with Vector graphics in PSP. I have to say I am having the best time with this City & Guilds course.
I have been using my painted backgrounds, the built in preshapes and adding various filters.
It's amazing what you can do when you just play! Way too much fun. The background for this picture was my monograss monoprint. I have used it as a tiled background. Now to see what I can do with text which is activity 3 in Module 7. I am steadily working my way through this course. My tutor loved these particular samples which I am pleased about. She is soooooo good. I have been so keen to get back to it I got the Xmas shopping and everything done quickly so that I could come back and play, play, play!!!

I finished making samples and experimenting with ideas for the She Made her Mark challenge. My sketchbook for it is looking good, I have been doing so much research I thought I would never get the quilt started! What the quilt will be like is another matter. I spent most of today embroidering the background on fabric and newspaper then dampened the newspaper and rubbed most of it away - strange? Maybe!


Dianne said...

Wow these are just way to cool..

His Office, My Studio said...

Wow how cool! Could you please tell me more about the City & Guilds course. My email is I want to learn more about using PS. I found a website but I am not sure it is the correct one. What is the name of the class are your taking and is it online? Thanks so much

Debbi (email)