I also brought back a nice selection of Friendly Plastic. The picture you see above is some that I have had lying around my studio for years but never got around to using. The tools and cutters are new. I bought a pack of 20 coloured sticks the cutters and tools - it's usually cheaper to buy it that way and since I had a project in mind it seemed worthwhile.
The next textilechallenge is "doors and windows" and I was thinking of using Gaudi architecture as my source. I had thought of using tyvek to create the texture but when I saw the Friendly Plastic I just new this was what I would use.
The colours and textures are lovely. I am working through a booklet I bought many years ago and forogt all about written by Liz Welch on how to use friendly plastic. I am having fun just playing to see what it can do for me. I just used the comb on the heated plastic to create the above effect.
You may just be able to see the Celtic stamp I used on this piece. I worked it too much, it folded over on itself and the black plastic from the back was showing through and so I just rubbed some Treasure Gold on the black bits.
I am really looking for a more "open" piece and tried stretching it a little. Once again I over worked it and just put Treasure Gold on it. You live and learn!

I used a wooden stamp on this piece. I think it has worked much better - but it may be that I am becoming a little more familiar with it.
I also couldn't resist getting some Paverpol, a textile hardener, to make dolls. The hardener is weather resistant and so I thought I would make a couple of dolls to sit outside the log cabin studio. Now all I need is some time!
I bought some Paverpol a couple of months back - also got to find the time to use it. Think that maybe this an outdoor activity. Looking forward to seeing how you do.
These friendly plastic samples look really good especially the second one down and the colours in all of them are wonderful.
I've had a small pack of friendly plastic for a while and wasn't sure what to do with it but I'll have to search for it and have a go now.
Oh my goodness, a perfect material for Gaudi! Curves and swoops and soft shapes--lovely!
I was soo excited when I saw these, well you know I LOVE them. I too have a few lttle pieces around and was going to do use them on one of my mixed media art pieces....
So I truly am inspired to do it now .
I hope you do find time to make some sculpture for you fab studio..
I went and looked at the link and saw the ones in the gallery, fantasitic..
I'd forgotten all about friendly plastic, what perfect effects for a Gaudi inspired piece. Must admit to rather liking the overworked pieces, but then I suppose it depends on the effect you're after.
Hi ladies,
I hope you get out that friendly plastic and use it. The old stuff I had was very brittle when I cut into it but that was OK as I just included it in small pieces on other larger pieces.
I haven't tried using the hot water to melt it, I used the heat gun. I think I'll take the old kettle out to the sudio and try the hot water method as I believe it's a little different. I shall let you know how it goes.
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