I can't believe a week has gone by already since I last posted to my blog. Is it just me or doe time seem to be flying by faster than ever?
I haven't been in the studio all week. I have, however, been busy. It was the last week of term and my classes are finished now until mid January. We had a lot of fun on both day, Monday and Thursday. We all bring in something to eat and after the formal class is finished we have a little party. We play the "
Cookies for Santa" game. Everyone brings a wrapped fat quarter and you can hear the laughter at the other end of the school! Here's a link if you would like to play the game yourself.

I have also been busy with my C&G course. I played around in Paintshop pro with the images I created on the Printmaking class. Printmaking was part of the last module for my C&G course so it couldn't have worked out better.

Here are some of the result of my experiments. The course for this was the Monograss monoprint. I changed it very little for this sample for have changed it out of all recognition with different filters etc. There are just too many to show you.

This was was the flower which you can just see - I love this one.

I loved playing with this sample. Regulars to my blog may remember me playing with the wood effect on the monoprints. The source for this design was one of those experiments. I added a wave filter to it and this was the result. I have had a lot of fun playing with them but my oh! my how the time flies without even realising it.
I'm off to put the Christmas tree up now. Then I am going to install Electric Quilt V6 which just arrived this morning. I guess I won't get into the studio for a little while.
Oooops is right girly we missed you, but Tonniece and I firgured you were busy with your classes.
I love the photoshop pics, i like the second one the best, mybe cause its green and purple. They are all great.. This is gonna make Miss Tonniece want that photo shaop all the more now.. LOL..
That makes a vote of two then Dianne and Carol. Tey are all great, but I also favour the purple and green one.
As to the PSP, it's comeing soon. Can't wait.
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