Sunday, 31 March 2013

What am I learning new for 2013?

Well I decided to take an online crochet class with Ali. 

I tried many many moons ago to crochet and I never got past the chain, I could never do it!

Well I started my crochet class yesterday, watched two videos and here are the results:

 This was my first piece of double crochet.  So surprised I ever got it started.  Plenty of mistakes but I think it's ok for a first attempt.

 This morning I tried double crochet again and this is the result.  At least the edges are looking straight!

 Today's new lesson was trebles.  I thought I would start with a couple of rows of double crochet and then try the trebles.  I am still not sure what to do with the edges but I guess that will just take a bit more time to learn.

Had the kitchen floor to clean today whilst Norman is away running his train at the Easter running day.   It is a great time to catch up on house things.  With a bit of playing in between.

I am still working away on my lace making.  The latest sample is square tallies.  Well what a laugh they are. Not a square one in sight.   After some advice from the Facebook bobbin lace group I did manage to make one that was square.  

Onwards and upwards.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Wonderful beginning stitches, with each swatch your crocheting is getting stronger. Don't worry about the edges looking off that is quite common with crochet. As you progress the edges will too. I have crocheted most of my life and when I start a new project after I haven't crocheted for a while my edges are wobbly too. You are doing wonderful.